Last updated: 10 September 2019
The extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation debate has only been a recent one. But oh-boy is it long overdue! Got a brief story for you… Nearly two centuries ago, Adam Smith (the inventor of the free market) declared that as long as financial incentives are adequate, people will work anywhere because people are inherently lazy – READ MORE
Pomodoro Technique vs. Deep Work: Which Time Management Method Should You Use To Supercharge Your Productivity?
Last updated: 15 August 2019
In this article, we’re going to look at how the popular Pomodoro Technique fares with Deep Work in terms of maximizing your productivity. We’ll take a look at which of these time management tools is right for your working needs – because as with most things in life, it’s not a case of one size READ MORE
[VIDEO] Women In Leadership Series: Refugee-Turned-IT-Pioneer & Billionaire, Dame Stephanie Shirley, Shares Her Extraordinary Story… & Why Women Have Flat Heads
Last updated: 18 June 2019
Dame Stephanie Shirley arrived in the UK as a child refugee at the age of 5. It was 1939, and her Austrian parents had sent her to the UK to escape the Nazi regime. Placed into foster care, she was given a second chance at life – which she embraced wholeheartedly. So much so, after READ MORE
Why “How You do Anything Is How You Do Everything” & How To Leverage This Principle So You Achieve Your Goals
Last updated: 29 August 2019
Imagine an inbox full of tasks calling for your attention. What do you do? Do you leave it for a few hours, a few days? Ignore them in the hope or expectation that someone else might get to them first? Or do you get straight on them, so they are read, processed or completed straight READ MORE
Don’t Hit That Snooze Button! Why 5 Minutes Of Pain Can Increase Confidence, Productivity & Success
Last updated: 29 August 2019
Confidence begins with a promise to yourself, and this promise starts in the first 5 minutes of your day. The first 5 minutes of pain on hearing the alarm and actually getting yourself out of bed (at the time you said you would) sets you up with a confident, positive and productive start to your READ MORE
Has Your Team “Checked Out?” 3 Destructive Ways Leaders Cause Employee Disengagement & What You Can Do About It
Last updated: 20 May 2020
The morning alarm goes off, you open your eyes and remember it’s a workday… Do you roll over, sigh and wish it were the weekend already? Do you then spend your workday going through the motions of your job? Or do you find yourself “checking out” by not engaging with your role or your team? READ MORE