Last updated: 18 June 2019
Dame Stephanie Shirley arrived in the UK as a child refugee at the age of 5. It was 1939, and her Austrian parents had sent her to the UK to escape the Nazi regime. Placed into foster care, she was given a second chance at life – which she embraced wholeheartedly. So much so, after READ MORE
[INSPIRING VIDEO] How To Conquer Your Day: Ex-Navy Admiral, William H. McRaven Reveals The One Small Task You Should Do Everyday
Last updated: 15 May 2018
There are many habits you can incorporate into your day to help you achieve your goals. But this ex-navy admiral states that one of the best ways to ensure you conquer your day is to make your bed. … Yes, really. Watch the above video to hear Former US Navy Admiral, William H. McRaven’s inspiring READ MORE
Research Reveals Loneliness Affects Business: Discover 6 Ways Leaders Can Support Digital Nomads & Remote Workers Beat Social Isolation
Last updated: 2 August 2019
Think loneliness is just a state of mind? Think again. Loneliness can cause serious physical and psychological damage – especially if you’re a digital nomad or a remote worker. It can play havoc with a person’s quality of life. But what’s even worse, it can actually shorten their life too. According to the General Social READ MORE
Discover The 6 Ancient “Leadership Language Secrets” That’ll Inject More Influence, Authority & Power Into Your Conversations
Last updated: 15 August 2019
Most people – ourselves included – simply didn’t come into this world as “natural born leaders.” So when it comes to being a great leader, us mere mortals have got to hone, sharpen and improve our leadership skills. (And to be fair, even natural born leaders have to do a decent amount of this too.) READ MORE
[VIDEO] Behind The Scenes At Google’s Semi-Secret “Moonshot Factory” – How Teams Are Using Failure To Solve The World’s Problems
Last updated: 3 August 2016
Imagine turning up for work each day and your team collectively asking: “Hey, how are we going to kill our project today?” Or working in an environment where you get to bring to life some of the most audacious and out-of-the-box projects with the intention to radically change the world? Somewhere where your ability to READ MORE
[VIDEO] 3 Obvious (Yet Often Overlooked) Leadership Traits To Look Out For When Hiring
Last updated: 25 May 2016
To some extent, we’re all biased, if not at least unconsciously so. And no where else do the associations we give to people (and the way we let them influence our decisions) speak louder than what they do than in the workplace. And this is especially true during the interview process. So we thought we’d READ MORE