Last updated: 3 June 2021

Remember the days when the primary hiring procedure was to receive hard-printed resumes of hundreds of candidates in your office and go through them one by one? Those days are long gone.
Today, job search engines and recruitment platforms play an important role in that area. However, the elephant in the room is, of course, social media.
Unlike the early years of this century, social media platforms now aren’t only websites to post pictures of your kids and pets. Today, social media is the biggest recruitment hub — and for good reasons.
To educate you about the importance of social media in recruitment, here are 5 ways social media serves as a pillar for finding the right talent.
First of all: Social media platforms are huge
Needless to say, the big names in the social media market have more active users than any recruitment platform in the world. For example, no job search engine or talent hub comes close to the total active user base of Facebook’s 2.2 billion customers.
Almost every candidate you can ever think of is on Facebook. Although you have to go through more applications, you’re more likely to get exposed to a huge talent pool from around the globe on social media.
Posting your job opening on social media will take it to the feeds of hundreds of thousands of potential candidates eager to join your company.
High-quality, tech-savvy candidates
Not every person uses social media platforms as a way to find a new job. But the ones who do, certainly know how to make the most out of a free platform that could be used in several ways.
Many companies report that the candidates they acquire from social media platforms are generally more tech-savvy and future-oriented than the others. This makes them an ideal fit for today’s technology-driven market.
A deeper, personal look at candidates
For a business partnership to go on for a long time without hiccups, it’s important for both parties, the hiring company & the employees, to know each other at a personal level. Candidates must be well-aware of the company culture of their employer — while the employer must have a deeper look at the candidate’s personal profile to see if they’re a good, long-term fit.
Social media platforms, unlike professional recruitment platforms, let you take a deeper dive into your candidates’ profiles. In most cases, you can learn everything about your potential employees; from their hobbies to their weekend activities; giving you an insight into whether they’re passionate about their field.
Better brand recognition and awareness
When you post your job listings on social media platforms, you put your company in front of millions of people. Your brand gets identified by hundreds of thousands of potential customers, boosting the visibility and recognition of your company and brand.
This not only helps you attract top talent and build a better reputation — but also boosts your brand value. According to various reports, people tend to trust companies that have a strong social media presence. When you post your job listings on social media, you’re essentially strengthening your presence in the online world.
A high success rate when collaborating with PEO services
The ideal way to take your business outside of Australia and expand globally is to utilize social media in conjunction with a trusted PEO. A PEO is like an outsourced HR department — but with more experience.
A PEO can streamline your recruitment process by a huge margin, especially when you’re trying to grab international top talent. One of the most reputed names in the PEO niche is NHGlobal Partners (New Horizon Global Partners), an international firm that specializes in providing top-of-the-line PEO services.
Social media is the biggest recruitment hub of the decade. When companies post their job openings on social media platforms, they get exposure to billions of online entities.
Hiring on social media also lets you know your candidates at a deeper and more personal level, while also boosting your brand awareness and online presence.
Simply put, social media is the ideal way to look for new top talent when your company needs it.
About The Author
Sam McRyan is a business analyst providing top-notch analytical and resource management advice to small and midsize companies.
With a sharp acumen and a logical mind that easily grasps new business concepts, Sam is known for his ability to complete deliverables ahead of schedule and thoroughly. He got his start in business analysis at a young age, helping with his uncle’s small community store.