Last updated: 29 August 2019
Imagine an inbox full of tasks calling for your attention. What do you do? Do you leave it for a few hours, a few days? Ignore them in the hope or expectation that someone else might get to them first? Or do you get straight on them, so they are read, processed or completed straight READ MORE
Don’t Hit That Snooze Button! Why 5 Minutes Of Pain Can Increase Confidence, Productivity & Success
Last updated: 29 August 2019
Confidence begins with a promise to yourself, and this promise starts in the first 5 minutes of your day. The first 5 minutes of pain on hearing the alarm and actually getting yourself out of bed (at the time you said you would) sets you up with a confident, positive and productive start to your READ MORE
Has Your Team “Checked Out?” 3 Destructive Ways Leaders Cause Employee Disengagement & What You Can Do About It
Last updated: 20 May 2020
The morning alarm goes off, you open your eyes and remember it’s a workday… Do you roll over, sigh and wish it were the weekend already? Do you then spend your workday going through the motions of your job? Or do you find yourself “checking out” by not engaging with your role or your team? READ MORE
3 Pillars To Empowered Leadership: How Women In Leadership Can Harness Their Innate Power & Create More Balance In The Workplace
Last updated: 17 October 2019
You’d have to be living under a rock to be unaware of the ongoing and current social upheavals when it comes to women in leadership. Whether it be the wage gap, sexual misconduct, or women being “mansplained” (i.e. talked over and disregarded simply because of their sex) – the message that inequality will no longer READ MORE
Addicted To Technology? Discover The Telltale Signs Of A Tech Addiction & 7 Healthy Ways To Curb Your Digital Habit
Last updated: 5 August 2019
A mother says to her teenage son: How was school today? The boy replies: It’s on my Instagram. We say this as a joke, but there is a big element of truth here. Technology is now used in ways that regular, face-to-face contact has almost become unnecessary. Aside from the obvious reason this is alarming, READ MORE
How To Manage Lazy Employees: 10 Top Tips For Leaders Struggling To Manage & Motivate The Seemingly “Unmanageable”
Last updated: 29 August 2019
What’s a lazy employee? Maybe lazy is the wrong word. But one thing these employees definitely are is unproductive. You know the type. Perhaps you’ve dealt with them before and discovered how much of a nightmare they can be. In a nutshell, they just aren’t pulling their weight. They’re letting everyone else down. And when READ MORE