Last updated: 29 August 2019
As a leader in 2017, you may not think it’s necessary to know how to deal with sexual harassment, but sadly, it’s still big issue… In fact, according to recent statistics, approximately 27% of women have been victims of sexual harassment at work. It’s not just women, of course, but they are almost 3 times READ MORE
How To Avoid Falling Into The “Uber Trap”: Leadership Lessons From Uber’s Costly Mistakes & Downfall
Last updated: 8 August 2018
You have to admit, there’s a certain irony in the name. After all, calling something uber means it’s an outstanding example. Like an uber-chef. Or someone who’s described as uber-cool. They’re not merely good at what they do, they’re exceptional examples that everyone else wants to try and live up to. And maybe when they READ MORE
How To Identify A Toxic Workplace: Discover The 7 Red Flags & How To Deal With A Negative Office Environment
Last updated: 6 August 2019
What’s your workplace like? Do you feel there’s a destructive culture that’s infecting everyone from the ground up? And if so, how do you identify a toxic workplace? Depending on your work experiences to-date, you might not refer to an uncomfortable work environment as a toxic culture. So what might you say instead? Here are READ MORE
[INSPIRING VIDEO] How To Conquer Your Day: Ex-Navy Admiral, William H. McRaven Reveals The One Small Task You Should Do Everyday
Last updated: 15 May 2018
There are many habits you can incorporate into your day to help you achieve your goals. But this ex-navy admiral states that one of the best ways to ensure you conquer your day is to make your bed. … Yes, really. Watch the above video to hear Former US Navy Admiral, William H. McRaven’s inspiring READ MORE
Leadership Lessons From The Tortoise And The Hare: Discover Why Motivation Is Overrated And How “Slow & Steady” Wins The Race
Last updated: 5 April 2018
The Tortoise and the Hare is one of Aesop’s greatest fables, and despite first being penned in Ancient Greece, adaptations of the story are still told to children today. So what makes it so good? In this article, guest author Doug Keller shares the leadership lessons that can be taken from this classic story… You READ MORE
The People Pleaser’s Guide To Saying “No!” – How To Set Boundaries At Work That Gain Respect… Without The Guilt!
Last updated: 9 August 2019
It takes courage to say “no!” in the workplace. Especially these days, when the work environment is more competitive than ever. But learning how to set boundaries at work by saying no to tasks you don’t have the resources for – or that you shouldn’t be doing – will not only free up your time, READ MORE