Last updated: 4 August 2020
Here’s a fun fact for you about the Obamas: When they left the White House in January, Michelle was more popular than former President Barack Obama. Don’t believe us? Check out the results of the final Gallup poll published in the Washington Post to get a better idea of their “popularity” at the moment they READ MORE
30 Of The Best TED Talks On Leadership That Every Great Leader Should Watch – 2nd Edition
Last updated: 4 March 2020
Love inspiring Ted Talks on leadership? So do we! That’s why we put together this list of our crème de la crème TED Talks on leadership. So next time you’re needing a little boost, take a 20-minute break to listen to one of these and learn from some of the most forward-thinking and innovative experts to READ MORE
Timeless Leadership Lessons: 16 Empowering Ways To Inspire Like The Late And Spectacularly Great Martin Luther King, Jr.
Last updated: 15 August 2019
Note: This article was originally published in January 2016, but was expanded on 29 November 2016 Few people would deny that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great leader, but what was it, exactly, that he put into his leadership? And even more to the point, how can you exhibit those qualities yourself? In READ MORE
How To Use The Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule): The 3-Step Blueprint That’ll Fast-Track Your Success & Optimize What Really Matters In Life
Last updated: 15 August 2019
Seems unlikely, doesn’t it? That only 20% of what you do in your working day accounts for 80% of the results? (Umm, perhaps don’t mention this figure to HR if you’re not the boss.) Or that only 20% of your clients account for 80% of your profit… And believe it or not, but the same READ MORE
[VIDEO] Behind The Scenes At Google’s Semi-Secret “Moonshot Factory” – How Teams Are Using Failure To Solve The World’s Problems
Last updated: 3 August 2016
Imagine turning up for work each day and your team collectively asking: “Hey, how are we going to kill our project today?” Or working in an environment where you get to bring to life some of the most audacious and out-of-the-box projects with the intention to radically change the world? Somewhere where your ability to READ MORE
The Best Leadership Books – Part 2: Discover 24 Sources Of Inspiration That’ll Make You An Exceptional Leader
Last updated: 10 August 2018
Here’s the most effective, simplest leadership hack: Never stop learning. Seriously, if you want to become a great leader (and we’re assuming you do), the best way to seriously up your leadership game is to stay curious about (and devote time to) learning. And one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to do this is READ MORE