Last updated: 25 May 2016
To some extent, we’re all biased, if not at least unconsciously so. And no where else do the associations we give to people (and the way we let them influence our decisions) speak louder than what they do than in the workplace. And this is especially true during the interview process. So we thought we’d READ MORE
[INFOGRAPHIC] How Successful People Think Differently: The Mindset Of Success Sally & Failure Francisco Revealed
Last updated: 9 August 2019
Which mindset do you relate to the most? Do you have the resilience and perseverance of Sally? Or do setbacks permanently hold you back, like Francisco? If it’s the latter, you might need to work on your belief system first, as this is the required starting block in order to achieve any desired success in life. READ MORE
The 12 Best Business Apps That’ll Get You Working Smarter, Not Harder
Last updated: 20 August 2019
Unless you’re an avid tech junkie, keeping up with all the latest and best business apps (and learning how they’d exactly benefit your company), can be very time consuming, not to mention… overwhelming. So to save you the headache, we’ve dwindled our best business apps list down to an absorbable 12! Productivity Apps That’ll Take READ MORE
Want To Learn How To Be A Leader? Avoid These 5 Leadership Potholes And You’ll Be On Your Way
Last updated: 8 August 2019
Want to learn how to be a leader? You’re streets ahead of most people if you just answered “yes” because most people either think that they’ve got what it takes to be a “leader”… or they’re don’t. When in fact, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Natural born leadership is a fallacy. … which READ MORE
The 3 Biggest Mental Barriers That Might Be Stopping You From Achieving Your Entrepreneurial Goals
Last updated: 20 August 2019
You wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea for a new business. You quickly jot it down but have trouble getting back to sleep because you keep spinning different scenarios about how well it could do in your head. Sure, you’ve had ideas for businesses in the past, but somehow READ MORE
45 Of The Greatest Leaders & Entrepreneurs Of 2015: Who They Are, What They’ve Done And Why They’ll Have You Believing In Yourself
Last updated: 3 July 2019
What makes a true leader? Is it a title given by a HR department, or one built by general consensus (after earning some serious stars and stripes)? Is it someone who gets their kicks from power and control *cue evil music,* or someone who wants to have a positive impact on those around them… or READ MORE