Last updated: 3 August 2016
Imagine turning up for work each day and your team collectively asking: “Hey, how are we going to kill our project today?” Or working in an environment where you get to bring to life some of the most audacious and out-of-the-box projects with the intention to radically change the world? Somewhere where your ability to READ MORE
The Best Leadership Books – Part 2: Discover 24 Sources Of Inspiration That’ll Make You An Exceptional Leader
Last updated: 10 August 2018
Here’s the most effective, simplest leadership hack: Never stop learning. Seriously, if you want to become a great leader (and we’re assuming you do), the best way to seriously up your leadership game is to stay curious about (and devote time to) learning. And one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to do this is READ MORE
[VIDEO] 3 Obvious (Yet Often Overlooked) Leadership Traits To Look Out For When Hiring
Last updated: 25 May 2016
To some extent, we’re all biased, if not at least unconsciously so. And no where else do the associations we give to people (and the way we let them influence our decisions) speak louder than what they do than in the workplace. And this is especially true during the interview process. So we thought we’d READ MORE