Last updated: 20 May 2020
The morning alarm goes off, you open your eyes and remember it’s a workday… Do you roll over, sigh and wish it were the weekend already? Do you then spend your workday going through the motions of your job? Or do you find yourself “checking out” by not engaging with your role or your team? READ MORE
How To Manage Lazy Employees: 10 Top Tips For Leaders Struggling To Manage & Motivate The Seemingly “Unmanageable”
Last updated: 29 August 2019
What’s a lazy employee? Maybe lazy is the wrong word. But one thing these employees definitely are is unproductive. You know the type. Perhaps you’ve dealt with them before and discovered how much of a nightmare they can be. In a nutshell, they just aren’t pulling their weight. They’re letting everyone else down. And when READ MORE
How To Avoid Falling Into The “Uber Trap”: Leadership Lessons From Uber’s Costly Mistakes & Downfall
Last updated: 8 August 2018
You have to admit, there’s a certain irony in the name. After all, calling something uber means it’s an outstanding example. Like an uber-chef. Or someone who’s described as uber-cool. They’re not merely good at what they do, they’re exceptional examples that everyone else wants to try and live up to. And maybe when they READ MORE
How To Identify A Toxic Workplace: Discover The 7 Red Flags & How To Deal With A Negative Office Environment
Last updated: 6 August 2019
What’s your workplace like? Do you feel there’s a destructive culture that’s infecting everyone from the ground up? And if so, how do you identify a toxic workplace? Depending on your work experiences to-date, you might not refer to an uncomfortable work environment as a toxic culture. So what might you say instead? Here are READ MORE
The People Pleaser’s Guide To Saying “No!” – How To Set Boundaries At Work That Gain Respect… Without The Guilt!
Last updated: 9 August 2019
It takes courage to say “no!” in the workplace. Especially these days, when the work environment is more competitive than ever. But learning how to set boundaries at work by saying no to tasks you don’t have the resources for – or that you shouldn’t be doing – will not only free up your time, READ MORE
7 Unconscious Body Language Signals That Reveal What Someone’s Really Thinking & Feeling
Last updated: 7 August 2019
Chances are, regardless of what kind of work you do, it involves other people. Clients, customers, in-house employees, remote workers, partners and colleagues – unless you’re writing a book or you’re engaged in some other solidary activity, chances are, you’re communicating with other people throughout the day. Oddly enough, though, most of that communication will READ MORE